This is for those who asked for information about the shorts and a picture. I called to ask my son to snap a picture of my granddaughter wearing her shorts and email it to me, but the shorts were already in the washer. Here is a photo of the pattern and the fabric. (click on photo to get a closer look) The pattern is 'see & sew B4161'. The waist is elastic in a casing, but there is a little tie that is stitched to the front to make it look like a drawstring waist. If I were doing it for me, I'd leave off the fake drawstring - I certainly don't need any attention drawn to that part of my body. However, Miss Thing wanted it, and it is a good way of telling which is the front and which is the back of the garment. A girl's size 7 doesn't have alot of visible difference between the two! I don't think it would take 30 minutes for an experienced sewer to do these shorts. While the fabric was laid out, we also cut the top so she will have a matching set. We didn't have time to sew the top. I may do that for her since she could be another size before I get some time alone with her again (well, that's what if feels like). There is enough of the fabric left that I may try to make a pair of pedal pushers for myself. I haven't sewn for myself in years, although at one time I made most of my wardrobe. These days I have to make adjustments to the pattern, and I have never been comfortable with that. (that's one of the nice things about quilts, no matter its size or yours, they always fit!) Now.....if I could lose enough weight that I could once again fit into a pattern just the way its made............HEY! a girl hasta have some hope!!
I totally agree with you about it not mattering about the size of quilts - who cares if they're an inch or two different - no one's counting as long as they're warm and pretty :o)
Hey Gail, I totally hear you about sewing and about sizes...LOL. At least with quilts it's not a problem. I think the pattern looks really cute for today's girls...glad you could do this for a DGD..*VBS*
Thanks for posting it for me!
You're making me want to turn out a pair or two of shorts; those are cute.
My cousin asked me to make some men's boxer shorts for her to wear as PJ bottoms. I used leftover fabric from my stash. They were easy to make (I eliminated the fly) and she loves them.
I agree about sizing patterns for the "mature" figure. Ugh. Shorts with an elastic waist is OK, but regular clothing is too hard. I'd much rather work on quilts.
oh, sewing with a granddaughter! way to go...welcome to the stash ring! enjoying your blog
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