I don't have any more quilt pictures to share today. I am making progress on my 1 hr. challenge, but not to the point that a photo would be interesting. The vertigo is still here and making life ....interesting. The doctor is talking about sending me to an e.n.t specialist next week and doesn't want me driving. I'm managing pretty well around the house as long as I remember not to turn to quickly or bend over, but driving might be risky. Today my darlin' daughter-in-law and my grandson came over to take Nana and I shopping. (My mother lives with us, I'm her 'caretaker' as she can't manage completely on her own) So there we were in the grocery store, 4 generations. As is her habit, Nana took off as soon as she got through the door. She likes to get everything done and bagged before I can see what she has and lecture her on her poor diet. She likes to live on mostly cookies, candy, ice cream, puddings and the like. Show her a vegetable and she goes into a catatonic state! My dil followed me around for a while, figuring that I might need to be picked up off the floor, or need help getting things off of a lower shelf. My 3 year old grandson divided his time between mommy and me, helping each of us fill our baskets. He enjoys helping, actually, he enjoys grabbing and tossing, so I had to slow him down a bit. I showed him how to look at each apple and make sure it wasn't bruised before putting it in the cart. Left on his own, I would have had a good head start on applesauce before we left the store! LOL Anyway, I enjoyed it very much-and how often can you say that about grocery shopping?! Then, when I got home, there was a lovely vase of flowers waiting for me, sent to me by my favorite Marine. My youngest son is a Marine, and he is currently deployed overseas. He was involved with evacuating the Americans out of Lebanon last month. Don't know where they will send him next. He sent me flowers as a thank you for all -you-do-for-me- while-I'm-gone. Yep, gotta say that I am smiling broadly today. My oldest picked a great wife and my youngest remembers his Momma when he has lots of other stuff to worry about. Middle son should be checking in soon. Yep, today I'm very aware of my blessings.
What a terrific family you have, Gail. The situation with Nana makes one wonder if the shoe is now on the other foot--the very things she didn't want you kids to be eating when you were growing up, it sounds like, LOL.
Sounds like a very good day to me too. Thanks for sharing!
Those are beautiful flowers. Sometimes we forget to enjoy the everyday tasks of life. I am one of those people who enjoy grocery shopping. If given a choice between grocery shopping and fabric shopping I have to admit it might be a tough call!
sounds like your family is close and loving. Congrats on raising them well.
Hi Gail, sound like the shopping trip was fun for some of you..namely sweet little grandson..*VBS*
So sorry to hear the vertigo problem continues to plague you. A little of that kind of dizziness goes a long ways, don't need it full time. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers. You touch so many others lives, you need to be well...soon! Hugs, Finn
I'm jealous. You must love having family close. My relatives all live over 1000 miles away. I can tell you're loved.
You have a wonderful family, Gail. I guess "someone" raised them right. lol
Where does Nana squirrel away her contraband? She must have one heck of a pantry in her room.
The flowers are beautiful, and your Marine sounds like a "gentle"man.
Good luck with the ENT. Hope they find out what is causing this vertigo and give you something to fix it.
You must be an especially wonderful person for such kind attention from your family...........
Hope the ENT will find out something and fix it for you.
Hope the vertigo gets better soon. It was a real pain when my Mom had it and it is limiting when you can't drive!
what a lovely family you have. I think your son sending you flowers is so thoughtful and kind.
What a wonderful family...you truly are blessed. Hope you are feeling better soon. Vertigo is bad stuff. I hate that dizzy feeling all the time.
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