I haven't posted in a bit, but I have been working on various projects. I have finally started working on JudyL's April HAD quilt. I am using some fabrics that I 'won' a few months back at my guild meeting. We have a 'raffle table' where members donate patterns, notions, books, etc that they no longer want/need. If you are interested , you put your name on a slip of paper by the item, and a quarter, or whatever $ is specified. Well someone donated some 1930's repros already cut into pieces, along with the directions for the project. I entered my name , figuring I'd never win anyway but it would help the guild. WRONG! I came home with someone else's UFO. Since they were already cut into 2.5" strips, I just had to subcut to make the 9 patch blocks. I have also started the goodluck blocks, but ran out of the background fabric. I am hoping to visit the LQS today to pick up some more so that I can get those finished today and tomorrow.
As my most recent spend the evening in front of the tv project, I knitted a Kitty Pi. I blame Amy (Calico Cat) for that one. I don't know why I knitted a cat bed, I don't even have a cat! I guess mother's cat will have another place to snuggle. In any case, it isn't as bowl like as it should be, so I will re block it first. Currently it looks more like a Kitty Pizza.
How fun, may cats like their kitty pi - I often glance around wondering where they are and one is usually on the kitty pi... (I can't wait for winter when their tiny toes actually need the warmth!)
A kitty pizza, huh? How funny!
I really like your pink blocks!
I like the softness of your April HAD quilt project - it is gonna look old timey when you are done. Keep on keepin on and share more photos with us! ;c) ~Bonnie in SE Texas
The kitty pi is so cute! Any cat would love it.
I like the way your HAD is going. That is such a fast quilt! I've made two, and plan at least one more and a modified additional version. I may make lots in the next few years, who knows. They are great for swap blocks, and all kinds of odd blocks that come along.
Kitty Pi or Kitty Pizza Pi, it still looks great to me. I've considered knitting one myself, how did you find it?
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