Meanwhile, DH has been referred for Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy to better adapt to his degenerating coordination and mobility. This is a very good thing, he will be safer and perhaps less depressed about what he can no longer do as they show him alternative methods to accomplish daily tasks. Of course, taking him for these visits will give me less time in the sewing room, but thats ok as long as it helps.
This weekend I finally got to spend some time sewing. YIPPEE. So much inspiration at the quilt shop and not getting to turn on the machine was frustrating! Judy's last hour a day is still on the design wall, but I cut out and have about 25% of the blocks for a new quilt sewn. I have to get the tops done for my Christmas gift quilts. I still have 5 tops to do, so all those HAD quilts will have to wait. Of course, once they are sewn, I still have to quilt all of them......I'm beginning to feel overwhelmed here! LOL
However, I have a new assistant and quilt supervisor that keeps a close eye on me as I cut and sew, carefully inspecting any bits that fall to the floor. I'm sure if I drop something that might be suitable for the scrap pile, I shall be informed. Meet Casey, the newest member to our household. We adopted him about 3 weeks ago. He is 5 yrs old and a real snuggler. Nic, as you may figure from the photo, is not impressed by the cute factor, but is ok as long as no one tries to eat from his food dish!

Casey is too cute!! A new puppy is so much fun! I'm glad your son is OK!
Ohhh my goodness, what a harrowing time you've had - I'm so pleased your son is okay.
Oh, my Gail---if you don't already have gray hairs, that news about your son's medical situation would have been the cause of them. Thank heavens the dentist was so alert and he was promptly treated instead of him trying to tough things out and it worsening.
What a little doll baby you have there!
Yes, Nic does look a little miffed. Shame on you for not posting a picture of your handsome German shepherd sooner!! Casey is adorable, he looks like just a puppy, I can't believe he's 5! Glad your son got the quick care and is doing well. Cudos to that Dentist!!
Hi Gail I am a new blogger friend, came upon your site! Now Casey is adorable, best wishes you will have a good buddy there, I love your shepard too! I am glad your son is going to be ok! my daughter in law was quite sick last year with a serious infection and admitted to hospital so I know what you were feeling. ditto for the dentist!!!
Your new little puppy is adorable. Mine is also 5yrs. old I still call her my puppy. That face is absolutely precious. This is also my first time to your site
Thank you for letting me know I didnt know that. We really enjoy our chloe, she is quite funny
Glad you are back to stitching again. I had the same problem in August and September. I get real cranky when I don't get to sew...........
What a sweetie you have as your quilt supervisor.
Oh, Gail, so glad that everything is OK with your youngest DS, how scary. I didn't know you had a German Shepherd, did I? Nic is so gorgeous!!
I'm so glad your son is okay and your husband is on the mend! your new assistant is adorable and your Nic has the same look about him that our dog had when we brought the rabbit home! sort of a "what do they want this little furball for" sort of look. ;-)
and thanks for the quilt show tour!!!
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