Recently I've asked for color advice, and gotten into a discussion with JudyL who is a prolific and talented quilter. She has a fondness for certain bright colors, as do I. The discussion brought to mind a small quilt that I made for a guild challenge.
The challenge was: a group of 7 or 8 people exchanged 17 6" squares with everyone else in the group. That meant each person wound up with 119 blocks which were identical as everyone elses blocks. Using ALL 119 fabrics and cutting at least 70% of them you were to make a quilt. That meant you couldn't just sew the squares together, you had to cut most of them up. You were also allowed to use 1/2yd each of 2 other fabrics.
Do I need to tell you what a cross section of fabric colors and designs were among those squares? And some of them were majorly UGLEEEE! Well, when presented with wild and ugly, go with it! Some of the fabrics only show about 1/4 square inch on the quilt, but they are there.
Being busy, and being me, I procrastinated until close to the deadline until the perfect time presented itself. Enforced time off to recover from surgery. Gall bladder surgery- which explains alot about the quilt and its hyphenated title:
"Percocet Ponderings - or - I am Bilious Green".
Is this how so much of the"art" of the 60's was created?
Welcome to the blog ring, Gail. Good to have you aboard! Judy told us we may see a few new faces.
It looks like you started blogging. I'll look back on your archived notes in a bit.
Are you a nurse by any chance? Most people would not know to use bilious or gall bladder in the same breath, LOL. (I am but not practicing.)
What a fun challenge! Your's looks very modern - but like old crumb quilts - all at the same time. Did some people do more traditional things, or we they all like "art quilts"?
What a fun quilt, and, welcome to the stash quilts ring!
Love the challenge quilts. Sounds like fun!
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