Of late several of you have posted pictures and stories of your cats and dogs. Laurie Ann has Roogrrr and responded to a comment I made about him by asking me to post my Nic. Nic has a lot in common with Finn's Ebby- he is mostly black, and therefore doesn't take a great picture and he runs whenever we take out the camera, so I have tried to find the best ones that we have. Nic is now about 7 years old. Two years ago (June/July '04) we had Chloe who was a nine year old Rottweiller mix. Chloe was a love, slept with our youngest son as he grew up and kept his bed warm once he joined the Marine Corps. One night Chloe acted oddly at bedtime, when we awoke the next morning, she couldn't walk. She died shortly after we woke up as I held her, waiting for my married son to come over and help me get her downstairs to take to the vet. The first call my son made home after he arrived in Iraq and we had to tell him 'his' dog had died. I swore that if we ever got another dog (which DH said we definitely would not!!) that it would be small enough for me to carry and handle if it became ill. Meanwhile, I have a friend who runs a rescue organization who had been told of a purebred dog that needed a home. I did not tell my friend of Chloe's death, because I knew she would try to fill the void for us, and hubby wasn't ready. However, I usually ask how this dog or that one was doing, had it been placed yet. I couldn't understand why this one hadn't found a home- he sounded so good. She emailed me a picture of him, hubby glanced over my shoulder as I looked at it, took one look and declared that we needed to meet this dog, and if he was as nice as he looked, we should adopt him. You can tell how that worked out, he isn't even skittish of hubby's wheelchair! Also like Ebby, we didn't have to go through all that baby stuff, he was already trained and ready to go. Oh - no, I can't lift him, that's his only 'downside'.
What an absolute beauty Nic is!!! And I think he DOES take a great photo!
He's a beautiful dog!
YAY, what a sweety puppy & trained no less, woohoo!
Oh, Nic's a beautiful boy!! My first shepherd, Thunder, hated the camera too. I think the noise it made freaked him out. I've often thought that maybe I'd skip the puppy stage next time. Roo was such a terror! You can post a picture of that hansome Nic any time! Thanks!
Great story...
He is just beautiful! I think you are both very lucky. You all for getting him and him for getting you.
What a wonderful friend you have.
Our Honey is a rescue dog. We think they are the best......
Ah, he's handsome. :)
I met a woman at my library last month who'd trained her shepherd to pick up stuff she dropped. He'd wait right by her left wheel so patiently... sometimes she said she 'dropped' things on purpose because of the look of joy on his face when he could fetch it and put it in her lap.
Nic is beautiful, Gail!
What a beautiful dogger. Sounds like he fit right in with you guys.
I never was an animal person until we adopted Chesty - now I'm a sucker for dogs! I'm glad Nic found a home.
what a lovely dog!
Hi Gail, what a beauty he is...*VBS* And to look at the pic of his head you'd think he was all black.
I'm finding with Ebby it's quite different to have one that has all the baby stuff behind them...and also a pleasure.
Your Nic is beautiful, and it makes me wonder who chose who...*VBS* Glad he came into your life. Hugs, Finn
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