Haven't been able to do any sewing for a week, it seems that has happened to a lot of us. Last Friday there was an emergency of sorts at my son's home. He and his family had to move in with us for a few days while repairs were made. Fortunately it turned out to be nothing too serious, more of an incovenience. They had hardly left when we had company that we were expecting. My brother-in-law and his wife came to visit. We always enjoy their company, but this time we really had a particularly good time. Today was the first chance to get back to some of my projects. So... today I have prepped an applique block so that I can do the handwork in the evenings while watching TV. This is for a Jo Morton class that I am taking at one of the LQS here. I also made the 'Buck a Block' for this month (same LQS). Then I went back to the Leaf Season, on which I am quite behind. I did get 4 rows put together, and that included remaking some of the leaf blocks that hadn't turned out as well as they should have. Not from scratch, just sort of adjusting so the points are points, not blunts and such. I'm not sure exactly why some turned out perfectly and others didn't- although I have a few suspicions. In any case, 4 rows are assembled. If things go as planned (yeah, I said that last weekend and wound up with houseful), I will assemble the remaining rows tomorrow and then start joining the rows. The photo is of the two 'Buck a Blocks'-the darker bottom one is for this month, the top block is from last month. The background fabric is the same print.
Some of my points did not come out perfectly, but I let it go. Most of them look fine - and from a galloping horse.........
Ohh, I like the contrast thing you've got in that top buck-a-block, how they mirror each other. Looks good!
glad your son's problems weren't that major and you were able to enjoy everyone gathered together.
I think it's great that you've been able to at least get your applique prepped. That way, you can just pick it up anytime. Like the buck a blocks, they're coming along.
You are fast closing in on another quilt top completed....
What a blessing that your son and family had a place to go while things sorted themselves out.....
Now that the fun time with family is at an end you can enjoy remembering the good times while you applique.......
Glad to see you again
I have seen that top block but the 2nd one is a new one to me--did it have a name?
Bonnie is right about that galloping horse. If it bothers you a lot, try to fix it. If not, it usually will quilt out.
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