We made it throught the holiday just fine. My hand has improved and what I couldn't do, my Daughter-in-law did for me. The grandkids were extra well behaved, the food was yummy. My Marine didn't get to call, but did email that he is headed back for the states, should be here sometime next month. YES! After everyone left yesterday, managed to get up to the sewing room to attach the last border to my gratitude flimsy. Also spent the evening finishing up the applique on my Jo Morton project, today will attach the first row of blocks bordering that.
Speaking of borders, thanks to all of you who shared your thoughts on the borders for my batik challenge quilt. I agree with the group that the batik border is the better choice. One of the things that I have noticed, and that I admire so much with JudyL's quilts, are her borders. She doesn't just slap on a plain strip of fabric, she makes them interesting. I've always just been happy to have gotten that close to completion! LOL Quiltpixie made me aware of Quilt University. While investigating that site, I found a free sample course which was on borders. Kismet! I like Judy's interesting borders, ya'll recommended the more interesting border, a free course in borders.......hmmmmm. I'm going to mull this over for a while and think of what I can do to make the batik borders just a little more interesting. Can't think it over too long as I have a deadline to meet, but I plan to stretch my imagination and my limits just a little bit on this one. Ya'll are growing me!
Gail, it looks fantastic--and big!!
Gail, it looks marvelous!
I got a 5 minute call from my soldier...they are never long enough!
good luck with the inspiration for your borders. It'll be interesting to see what you come up with :-)
Fantastic quilt. I do love the borders. I am at the border stage on my latest quilt so I need to do some similar thinking.
I love your gratitute quilt! I agree with you, something different than just a plain border is nice. Glad to hear your Marine is headed home! The perfect news to receive at Thanksgiving!
What a lovely quilt top :-)
Wow, loving that Gratitudes quilt! Your colors are fantastic.
Your gratitude quilt looks great - and I so love it's name! You are correct - pieced borders do marvelous things for quilts that plain borders don't. There are a few great border books available - my favorite is Pieced Borders: The Complete Resource by Judy Martin and Marsha McCloskey. It's been out for quite a few years so you can probably find a used copy on Ebay or half.com for a very good price.
What good news that he's coming home soon! I bet you are just happy dancing about that!
That looks gorgeous! I hit a major snaffu with mine :( It might get shelved for a bit LOL xoxo melzie
Gail it is just wonderful!
Very nice Gratitudes quilt. I like your color choices. I will get a picture of mine soon and post it. Have a great week. I look forward to your border choices.
Oh, your quilt looks fabulous!
Does that mean your Marine will be home for Christmas?
Wonderful!!! This is beautiful, I am so loving seeing everyone's Gratitude quilts.
Wasn't that quilt just the best yet. I never thought I could do borders like that but they came out fine. Judy has such excellent instructions.
Glad the holiday went well for you and that you hand is better.
Very nice - I also tend to do simple borders and have been trying to add some pieced borders to my quilts. They're usually not complicated ones but they do add interest.
Your gratitudes turned out lovely. I too usually just slap on a plain border and call it done. But doesn't Judy design such marvelous pieced borders?
the flimsy looks wonderful!!!
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