Well, my Marine was back at Camp LeJeune last Monday, we drove all day Wednesday so that we could see him. He had some liberty(or leave-I can't keep them straight) and was able to spend some time with us and with his brothers. I have a picture of him that I took just as we were parting again, Cpl. Cool ;wish he didn't have the glasses on so you can see his eyes!LOL He will have a much longer time off over the holiday, so he will get to spend that at home. I'm smiling!!!
While I had his attention, I showed him my blog and had him read the comments that so many of you left thanking him for his service. He had just been telling us of some negative experiences with folks and I wanted to be sure he knew how many appreciate our serviceman and women. Ya'll put a smile on his face. Thank you.
Now I hope that things will be somewhat normal for the next few days as I get into Christmas shopping and decorating and back to sewing. Lots needs to be done, I don't feel much like doing any of it-except the sewing part.
Also, I finally switched to Beta blogger. Now I go to log in, it says there is no such one, so I try to log in under the old and it tells me I must use the new ID-and what it posts is just what I put in and it wouldn't take!! Sheesh.
Wow, is that a handsome son or what? You must have been so happy to see him again. See you Tuesday (my poor quilt isn't DONE). Karen
How wonderful that you got to spend some time with your son and give him a hug. Your holidays will be the best. ENJOY!
What a good looking guy you have there! glad you got to see him during the holidays
And isn't he just the handsomest thing you ever saw?
Don't they look good when you get to see them again.
Yours is just starting and mine just retired...........
We used to live near Camp Lejuene. I had an accident there and a car of Marines stopped to assist. Such wonderful young men.
Oh happy days! Glad you enjoyed your visit.
Good looking Marine, too. =) I hope he has more positive experiences as time goes on. There are a lot of small towns I drive through which still have signs of support for the troops, still have the ribbons on all the pick-ups in town, etc. There are those of us who really do appreciate what the men and women of the U. S. services do to protect us. I'm glad you'll get to spend some holiday time with him.
Your Prairie Basket top looks very good !
Handsome son !
Gail, I have a Marine son too! He'll be leaving the USMC next month. Please tell your son that there are many Americans who support him! He does look like Joe Cool with the glasses...
Gail, I know that you are over the moon now that your son is home. Enjoy your time together and let him know that he and his comrades are appreciated. We may all have different opinions about the war but we certainly can support the feet on the ground and in the air and seas.
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